The Role of Fog Computing in Enhancing the Industrial Internet of Things
The Role of Fog Computing in Enhancing the Industrial Internet of Things
After "Cloud Computing", a new term "Fog Computing" has been added in recent years. It mainly comes from the phrase "fog is a cloud closer to the ground".
2023-06-09 13:29:54
Fog Computing's Emergence
Fog Computing's Emergence
Now that cloud computing is popular, the application of Internet of Things is also increasing day by day. However, in terms of architecture, in order to overcome the lack of computing power of connected devices, people have also begun to develop so-called fog computing, which is different from cloud services. And, what is it?
2023-06-07 10:58:31
Can 3D Printing be Utilized in the Die and Mold Industry?
Can 3D Printing be Utilized in the Die and Mold Industry?
As adoption of 3D printing spreads throughout the larger sector of industrial manufacturing, the value of the technology as more than just a rapid prototyping tool is becoming increasingly evident. In this article, we gave an overview of how 3D printing is used to fabricate molds and dies for injection molding and die casting.
2023-05-23 10:46:04
Motion Control Plays A Key Role in Industrial Automation Developments
Motion Control Plays A Key Role in Industrial Automation Developments
In the trend of industrial automation, motion control is a key part of it. Automating operations through machines can avoid a lot of human error, and can also speed up production efficiency and efficiency. How to make the machine act according to the command is the application category of machine motion control.
2023-05-04 10:20:17
Global Market of Electric Bicycle
Global Market of Electric Bicycle
Global environmental awareness is rising, and bicycles have gradually changed from sports and leisure functions to commuting means. Among them, electric bicycles have been fueled by an aging population, which has led to a substantial increase in the global output of electric bicycles in recent years.
2023-04-25 13:58:58
Integration of IT and OT Technologies Accelerates the Development of Smart Manufacturing
Integration of IT and OT Technologies Accelerates the Development of Smart Manufacturing
The US-China trade war has triggered a major reshuffle of the supply chain. The global manufacturing industry is facing unprecedented challenges. In the process of transforming smart manufacturing, the biggest problem is the integration of operating technology (OT) and information technology (IT). Only by working with the smart manufacturing ecosystem can we have a chance to survive in the changes and seize future business opportunities.
2023-04-25 13:47:21
Intelligent Plastic and Rubber Machinery
Intelligent Plastic and Rubber Machinery
With the rise of global environmental protection awareness, the improvement of process efficiency and pollution reduction of plastic products have become important issues for the rubber and plastic industry. In response to the shortage of workers and the reduction of personnel contact, mechanical automation and cloud services have become the new normal in the industry.
2023-04-12 14:41:36
Development of the Wireless Power Industry and Future Electrification
Development of the Wireless Power Industry and Future Electrification
The wireless power industry is expected to grow exponentially. Wireless power has a major impact on almost all fields because it enables the Internet of Things to achieve and develop faster.
2023-03-24 10:24:18
Status and Trends of the Biotechnology Pharmaceutical Industry
Status and Trends of the Biotechnology Pharmaceutical Industry
The growth of the overall global biotech pharmaceutical market is slowing down. Europe and the United States have entered a mature period, and global development in the overall biotech pharmaceutical industry market has slowed down in recent years.
2023-03-24 10:12:46
Time to Start Digital Reinvention for Enterprises
Time to Start Digital Reinvention for Enterprises
New technologies bring forth the new. AI and the cloud are irreversible trends that are strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises. Enterprises should consider how to implement AI and the cloud in each application of the enterprises.
2023-03-24 10:01:27