Transforming Metal Manufacturing: Shifting from Subtraction to Addition - 3D Smart Manufacturing
Transforming Metal Manufacturing: Shifting from Subtraction to Addition - 3D Smart Manufacturing
The worldwide manufacturing sector is shifting toward smart manufacturing, with Industry 4.0 leading the way by promoting greater efficiency, reduced costs, and intelligent, adaptable production processes. The nine key technologies of Industry 4.0 encompass Big Data, Layered Manufacturing, Cloud Technology, Automation, System Integration, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, Augmented Reality, and Simulation.
2023-11-03 13:57:30
Introduction to the Oxide Black Finishing of Precision Mechanical Components
Introduction to the Oxide Black Finishing of Precision Mechanical Components
In most cases, blackening treatment on steel, also known as black oxidation, can enhance corrosion resistance to a certain extent. However, the protective effect remains somewhat limited. To significantly improve both corrosion resistance and lubrication of the blackened layer, additional measures like oil immersion or subsequent rust prevention treatment are still necessary.
2023-11-03 13:33:55
What is the Purpose of Anodizing Precision Machined Components?
What is the Purpose of Anodizing Precision Machined Components?
Anodization is a surface treatment process, typically performed as the final step in metal manufacturing. It is a dependable and cost-effective method for enhancing wear resistance and adding color to precision machined metal parts, particularly aluminum and other non-ferrous metals.
2023-11-03 13:25:22
An In-Depth Exploration of The Electroplating Process for Plastic ABS
An In-Depth Exploration of The Electroplating Process for Plastic ABS
In recent years, plastic electroplating has been widely used in decorative electroplating of plastic parts. ABS plastic is the most widely used kind of plastic electroplating.
2023-10-12 14:30:04
Delving into Precision Stamping Technology
Delving into Precision Stamping Technology
Metal stamping refers to the use of the power of punching machinery and the use of molds as metal plate forming tools to produce punching separation or plastic deformation effects to achieve the production technology of parts in terms of size, shape, and performance requirements.
2023-10-12 14:20:48
A Closer Look at the Structural Features of Horizontal Lathes
A Closer Look at the Structural Features of Horizontal Lathes
The advantage of the gearbox is that it can accurately control the speed of the main shaft without excessively high main shaft speed, belt friction consumption, and slippage. Because the main shaft is placed horizontally, it is also called a horizontal lathe.
2023-10-12 13:49:05
Exploring the Fundamentals and Key Principles of Welding
Exploring the Fundamentals and Key Principles of Welding
Welding is a process that uses "heat" and "electricity" to connect two pieces of metal, and the type of welding metal will also affect the welding results and technical requirements; like many professional skills, welding technology also has different levels of difficulty. First understand the most common types of welding introduction, principle teaching, and skill analysis.
2023-10-03 16:38:30
The Advantages of Powder Coatings: Exploring Their Benefits
The Advantages of Powder Coatings: Exploring Their Benefits
Powder coatings were developed in the 1950s as an alternative to traditional finishes such as liquid coatings. While the versatility and appeal of liquid coatings isn't likely to disappear anytime soon, powder coatings offer many advantages and are growing in popularity.
2023-10-03 16:26:28
Understanding CBN Tools
Understanding CBN Tools
CBN turning tools are tightly sintered from boron nitride and tungsten carbide bases. The hardness of boron nitride is next to PCD. It has excellent chemical stability and will not produce affinity with iron, cobalt, and nickel-based metals. Therefore, it is especially suitable for work hardening steel, with a hardness above HRC45. Chilled cast iron and heat-resistant steel (Inconel) are also suitable.
2023-10-03 16:22:47
Understanding the Structure and Operation of a Slotting Machine
Understanding the Structure and Operation of a Slotting Machine
Slotting machines are reciprocating machines that are mainly used to manufacturing horizontal, vertical or flat surfaces.
2023-10-03 16:08:58