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  • Global Economy
The global economy at the beginning of 2020 was affected by the epidemic, and the global economy showed a downturn, which caused global concern.
The world economy refers to an economic community or economic cooperation group formed by multiple countries to achieve preferential trade policies and realize common economic interests in response to fierce market competition.
The troubles caused by this COVID-19 not only affected everyone's health and safety, but also caused global economic development due to shutdowns, closures, supply chain breaks, and joint losses.
Japanese machine tool factory develops next-generation business opportunities, demands for replacement machines and introduces 5G services.
The Indian government vigorously promotes the development of the machine tool market. India is the third largest economy in Asia and has unlimited market demand potential.
The China-US trade war has impacted the global economy. Under this volatility, let's take a look at the 2018 machine tool market overview. The major consumer countries of global machine tools are China, the United States, Germany, Japan, Italy, South Korea, India, Mexico, Taiwan, and Russia.