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  • Industrial Manufacturing
The global economy at the beginning of 2020 was affected by the epidemic, and the global economy showed a downturn, which caused global concern.
The world economy refers to an economic community or economic cooperation group formed by multiple countries to achieve preferential trade policies and realize common economic interests in response to fierce market competition.
Today, the Internet of Things is still a hot topic in many industries. Emphasizing the benefits of adopting this technology, Fortune Business Insights estimates that by 2026, the global Internet of Things market will reach 1102.6 billion US dollars.
A smart city is to improve the quality of life of citizens through the innovative application of technology, from the early practitioners developed independently, now smart cities are more emphasis on user-centered and build a smart ecosystem.
Smart City refers to the use of various information technologies or innovative ideas to integrate urban constituent systems and services to improve the efficiency of resource utilization, optimize urban management and services, and improve the quality of life of citizens.
One of the main tenets of Industry 4.0 is data collection. Machine tools will have sensors that will collect many different kinds of data, including data on how much the machine has operated, the conditions it has operated in, and the condition of the components of the tool.
With the complexity of geopolitics, the shortage of talents, the popularity of 5G, and the maturity of Industry 4.0, can companies respond to future challenges? Future manufacturing trends will focus on three main directions: experience, innovation-driven energy, and supply chain restructuring.
NC is the most important revolution since the first industrial revolution in the manufacturing industry. Since its successful development in 1950, NC technology has been undergoing important developments in hardware and software.
The troubles caused by this COVID-19 not only affected everyone's health and safety, but also caused global economic development due to shutdowns, closures, supply chain breaks, and joint losses.
Industrial 4.0 revolution swept through the entire manufacturing industry. Various countries and regions are actively deploying Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. How does Taiwan respond? How to combine your own advantages to gain a competitive advantage in this global 4.0 manufacturing revolution? Industrial reform involves not only technology, but also the integration and breakthrough of ideas.
To understand the needs of Russia's manufacturing upgrading at this stage, and point out that international machine tool manufacturers are launching machine tools in the Russian market that are similar to Taiwan machine tool to provide a reference for Taiwan's machine tool industry to lay out the Russian market.
Flexible production refers to relying on highly flexible manufacturing equipment mainly based on computer numerical control machine tools to realize multi-variety and small-batch production methods. Committed to the goal of zero switching costs, and reduce this waste as much as possible; then the capacity can be adjusted to make it consistent with the market demand capacity.
The advent of the Industry 4.0 era, coupled with the continued fever of the China-US trade war, has driven Taiwan's manufacturing industry to transform its digital manufacturing into smart manufacturing through digitalization and intelligentization. However, there are four major challenges encountered during the transformation process, and finding a solution to the practice will be the key to the company's victory.
After "Cloud Computing", a new term "Fog Computing" has been added in recent years. It mainly comes from the phrase "fog is a cloud closer to the ground".
Under the leading policy of "Industry 4.0" in Germany, the manufacturing industry followed the concept of "smart manufacturing", and introduced the digital application of machinery into the factory. Based on the information technology services that belong to the energy economy category, it was imported from cloud software. Optimize the process. This kind of service platform is built on a modular structure that can be flexibly combined and uses AI to assist in providing strategic recommendations to achieve the energy-saving benefits of IoT machines.
Industry 4.0 is well underway and already having a big impact on manufacturing throughout the world. Technologies such as IIoT, big data and analytics, digital twin/thread, and the smart connected factory and supply chain are all elements of Industry 4.0 that are becoming ubiquitous in almost every manufacturing company.
For manufacturers, the safety of their employees is always at the forefront of their minds. You want to keep your workers safe at all times, so events like a global pandemic can be troubling. How do you balance productivity while making sure you don’t contribute to spreading the virus?
5G is regarded as an important promoter of Industry 4.0. 5G's high network speed and low power consumption enable each sensor of the future unmanned factory to be connected to the cloud, further extracting data for analysis, and driving artificial intelligence.
The U.S.-China trade war has been on the rise for more than a year, and both sides have become more and more fierce. The economy has been affected by the recession and the global manufacturing supply chain has also accelerated. Although Taiwan has benefited from this wave of trade wars in the short term, it may still suffer a lot in the long run. Also, the influence of other Asian countries affects the layout of Taiwanese businessmen. In the face of complex situations, we must be prepared to respond.
Driven by the German government's national policy, Industry 4.0 has become the most high-profile manufacturing issue in the world. Therefore, countries have successively launched corresponding smart manufacturing policies. With the help of 5G, the world is facing an uncompleted and perfect 5G environment to respond to smart manufacturing Yes, and Taiwan still has many opportunities and challenges in 5G smart manufacturing. Taiwan ’s 5G commercialization is imminent, and it is still expected that the government, telecommunications operators, and automation industry will work together to accelerate the full implementation of 5G.